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Kameron Brown finds the "Silver Lining" during quarantine Kameron Brown finds the

Kameron Brown finds the "Silver Lining" during quarantine

We caught up with Kameron Brown during the current global shutdown to see what he's been doing to fill his time at home with his wife Jade. If you don't know Kameron, he is a jack of all trades. He is from Southern California, loves surfing, skating, and fly fishing. He has also recently become somewhat of a bee connoisseur and has taken on not only bee keeping, but also bee rescuing and of course filling honey jars. His day job is a real estate agent, but under the current circumstances he's had to become a little bit more creative to keep money flowing. We've been partnered with Kameron for a many years now and we're grateful for his support and his love for SOCCO. Check out what he's been up to!


Have you still been able to surf/skate at all?

In the beginning of this quarantine, I practiced respectful social distancing as much as possible and surfed breaks that weren't heavily populated. There are still quite a few places you can sneak off to or hike a decent distance to and find empty surf! And as for skating, I've been staying active by skating with my dog Koa. Her favorite thing of the day is to pull me on my skateboard down the streets of San Juan. Again, do my best to distance myself to be respectful of personal space.


Has this shutdown given you more time to take care of your bees?

Man, it's pretty wild how things work out and this time of year couldn't have come at more of a perfect time. Having Real Estate sales as my primary income/job, this whole quarantine and shock to the economy has put my business on hold until we all can find out which way is up. The blessing in all of this is that Springtime is here and the primary time of year for Bees to swarm is springtime. With real estate on hold, Bee Keeping has taken the wheel and Bee rescues and relocations have been a daily occurrence for me. I've had to limit my Bee work to outside only but that's where I'd rather be anyways so it's all worked out. I've been bottling honey like crazy recently and that's always a plus too!


How has all of this affected your career as a realtor? And have you taken any creative measures to continue working?

As mentioned earlier, I've capitalized on being creative and don't let the hard times kick me down. As a younger man, I supplemented my income with buying and selling cars on Craigslist and though that will always be a little secret side business for me, the Bee Rescue, Bee Relocation, and Honey sales is what I am capitalizing on to help pay the mortgage and put food on the table!

How have you and Jade been filling your time at home?

A term I find myself continuing to use during this time is "Silver Lining". This time has really put things into perspective and has forced me to peel back the layers of life and dissect exactly what is important in our lives and focus on that. During this down time, Jade and I have spent more time together than ever, we densely planted more produce in our seasonal garden than we ever have, I've created a Fruit Tree propagation station where I take cutting from other trees and root them for future growth, I've 'air-layered' other mature and rare varieties of trees, banged out more home projects, and together we have focused on our physical and mental health by intentionally eating better and 'thinking' better.

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