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Sitting Down with Vert Skater Tyler Dick Sitting Down with Vert Skater Tyler Dick

Sitting Down with Vert Skater Tyler Dick

Tyler Dick is an up-and-coming vert skater from Wilmington, NC. He’s been a part of the SOCCO family since 2017 and we’re excited to support him as his skating progresses, and he grows to new heights - literally!

We recently sat down with Tyler to discuss his skateboarding, other hobbies, goals for the future, and how he supports the local skate scene.


 Tyler Dick Skateboarding on a vert ramp

(FS Stalefish; Wilmington, NC.)


Tell us about your start in skateboarding.

I first started skating when I was 10 years old-  I went to the “Get Rad for Ray” Event in Raleigh, NC in 2014 and got to see all of the pros perform in the contest. That’s what sparked my interest in vert skating specifically.

Tell us about your woodworking and other hobbies

I get old skateboards from parks and skaters around the area and make them into cutting boards, furniture, knives, and other items. It started out as just making some rings in my garage and eventually evolved into a small business. I also taught myself how to 3D model and render drawings which I use to design skateparks and skate features which my dad builds.

Skateboarder Tyler Dick sitting on a couch with his feet on a custom table.

(Tyler and his recently finished coffee table made from recycled skateboards)

What’s it like to be pursuing more of a vert direction in your skating when the field has been so street dominated for the past 20+ years? Do you feel there is a shift in interest toward vert and transition skating?

The first time I was really exposed to skating was watching vert skaters so that’s what kind of influenced me to skate vert specifically. I was always fascinated by airs and lip tricks on the large ramps and even now it is just more enjoyable for me than the more popularized street skating. I feel that there may be a slight shift towards vert skating in the future because park skating was a big hit in the Olympics, and I think a lot of younger kids are starting to get more interested in that field of skating specifically. The main issue is that there are not a lot of facilities that support vert, especially on the east coast. We are lucky to have a privately owned vert ramp here in Wilmington but others aren’t as fortunate.

Tyler Dick Skateboarding on a vert ramp

(FS Boneless over the channel; Wilmington, NC.)

 What are your plans for after graduation? Looking at colleges?

I plan on going to a four year university for civil engineering. The major school I’m looking at is NC State, but I wouldn’t mind going farther south to look at some colleges since I’ve made a lot of friends throughout the southern states from competing together in vert contests.

What was your favorite skate trip you’ve taken or favorite place to skate?

My favorite trip by far was going to Houston Texas for the second “Banger in the Hanger”. It was my first time being off the east coast and I got to skate with a whole bunch of pros as well as a ton of friends. My favorite place to skate is definitely Sk8 Charleston, which is one of the best parks on the east coast. They have a state-of-the-art bowl that has my favorite design and dimensions.

Tyler Dick skateboarding in a concrete bowl at a skatepark

(FS Lipslide in his favorite bowl; Charleston, SC.)

Who is/are your favorite skater(s)?

Jimmy Wilkins or Mitchie Brusco, both of which I got to skate with in Houston.

How long have you been wearing SOCCO socks?

I have been wearing SOCCO socks since probably 4th or 5th grade.

What are your favorite styles?

My favorite style is just the classic 3 stripes because it looks just like what all the skaters wore in the 80’s.

Are there any other sponsors you’re working with?

My other sponsors are: Aussie Island Surf Shop, Old Bones Therapy (Protective equipment), RockStar bearings, and Globe footwear.

The skate scene in Wilmington is great, what are you involved in within the community that you’d like to share or give a shoutout to?

I helped in designing parts of the Greenfield Park addition and have worked on a few other park designs for various skate features around town including backyards, personal properties and skateparks. I’ve also worked for the Skate Barn doing lessons for kids and others who want to learn skateboarding. Whether it’s someone trying to start out or maybe up the skill level I’ve helped a large variety of people learn to skate.

Giving skate lessons can be challenging. What are some strategies you use when you’re working with beginners to keep them interested and excited?

The biggest thing when teaching beginners to skate is taking it slow. 90 percent of learning how to skate is confidence so it’s important to make sure the person I’m teaching is confident in their own ability. Once they have the confidence to commit and learn tricks it’s just trial and error. The rest is just practice.

Tyler’s creative, optimistic, and energetic approach to skateboarding as well as his other endeavors are sure to bring him great success wherever he goes. SOCCO is proud to be a part of Tyler’s story and we look forward to seeing everything he brings to the next generation of skateboarding.

Thanks Tyler!

 Follow Tyler on Instagram @skaterdude_ty

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